Tuesday, December 9, 2014

This I Believe!

       What I believe is that older people at a certain age should not be driving at all. These older folks are people in their late seventies and above. I believe that they are the unsafest drivers on the road.Older people drive slow, usually twenty-five miles below speed limit. Most of them have poor hearing and poor eye sight. While many will argue with my belief, I have encountered many incidences of poor driving involving older men and women that prove my point.

      The first incident happened a few years ago. I was driving normal speed limit, which is 30 mph. I am a cautious driver, i do not like to speed because my children's safety is my number one priority. Anyways, all of a sudden a car pulled out of a driveway right in front of me. I slammed on the brake, causing me to fly into my staring wheel. But that's not the worse part, the person didn't even acknowledge what he has done. He just pulled out and drove off like nothing even happened. The man looked like he was in his early eighties and he didn't even see me there.Oh, did i mention, he drove five miles an hour in front of me.
        The other incident happened last year. I was on my way to the mall. Then this car in front of me turns into a one way lane.The cars were peeping like crazy. I looked and saw two little old ladies, they looked like they were lost. They eventually pulled over to the shoulder and turned back around. So, they either were not paying attention or they really did not see that one way sigh. 
       Last but not least reason why I believe older people shouldn't be driving is because last week I whitnessed this old man run streight through a stop sign. This is to show you not only older people are poor drivers but they are are also dangerous drivers.In my opinion, drivind way too slow and not paying attension to trafic signs is as dangerous as people who speed. That being said these are the resons why i strongly belive that older people should not drive.
                 Hopefully, I do not affend anyone.